The social media play a large role in your work; communication (Blog/TV/Network), the activation of public space, citizen participation, user activation. This is an aspect that goes beyond traditional architecture. How exactly to you come to utilize the media in your work? Is there a pattern to this: do you generate projects with the use of media, or do you integrate media into your projects?

We think the way to work on ecology is by improving education and knowledge. Our blog is an open platform for the interchange of knowledge and experiences from professionals with different backgrounds from all over the world. Everyone learns from each other, anyone can contribute with his / her own experience. We believe sharing is sustainable and our blog contributes in that sense. …. read more in the interview

The four partners of ecosistema urbano, Belinda Tato Serrano, Jose Luis Vallejo Mateo, Michael Moradiellos del Molino and Domenico Di Siena,  have been interviewed by Kristien Ring, curator of the FORMULA_X exhibition series on young architects.

INTERVIEW: “ECOSISTEMA URBANO” 24 Pages, English. EU_ecosistemaurbano_Interview_E_web

The exhibition „ECOSISTEMA URBANO, Looking Through Ecosistema Urbano Eyes“ > 18.11.2010 – 16.01.2011 at the German Center for Atchitecture DAZ, Berlin.