AA PROJECTS was founded by Kristien Ring in 2011. Kristien Ring is an architect working on participative creative projects in the form of architecture, permaculture (gardens), public spaces, exhibitions and discourse events. Kristien is known for her research publications and work as the founding director of the German Center for Architecture DAZ.

AA ABOUT what we do, Kristien Ring photo: ©BerlinCamera

AA PROJECTS develops design concepts for future oriented projects in urban permaculture, neighborhood development, architecture, interiors, and installations. Our goal in each project is to promote interdisciplinary communication, community building and networking.

AA PROJECTS is engaged in the production of space in contemporary society and develops communication strategies as an integral part of our project work.


AA TEAM AA PROJECTS works, depending on the concept and size of the project, together with an individually-picked team of experts. *Team Members are listed under the “credits” of each project.

(1969*) grew up in Pittsburgh, PA, USA, and has been living in Berlin since 1991. A German citizen, Ring studied both in the USA and Berlin (Dipl.Ing. Architektin, B.E.D.Arch U.S.A.) and is a registered architect and member of Architects’ Association Berlin, Germany since 1998. In addition to current design projects, Kristien currently holds an Extraordinary Professorship position at the Faculty of Architecture, Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic.
Former teaching: (2015 – 2020) Professor at the University of South Florida, Faculty of Architecture and Urban Design. (2016) Visiting Fellow at the Institute of Advanced Studies of the University of Western Australia. (2014) Visiting Professor at the University of Sheffield, England, SSoA School of Architecture. (2011 – 2012 / 2014 – 2015) Assistant Professor at the Technical University of Braunschweig, Architecture Department, Institute for Design and Architectural Strategies, IDAS.

Author (selection):

URBAN LIVING _Strategies for the Future / Strategien für das Zukünftige Wohnen, by Kristien Ring, in collaboration with the Berlin Senate Department for Urban Planning, 264 pages, German/English, ©Jovis 2015, ISBN: 978-3-86859-331-0, and
SELFMADE CITY_ Berlin: Self-Initiated Urban Living and Architectural Interventions, by Kristien Ring, in collaboration with the Berlin Senate Department for City Planning and Environment, 224 Pages, German/English, ©Jovis 2013, ISBN 978-3-86859-167-5 (2 editions, 5000+ copies, out of print)

Kristien has presented her published work extensively at international conferences worldwide, including a TEDx talk, as well as the Venice Architecture Biennale.

(2004 -2011) founding Director of the DAZ German Center for Architecture in Berlin.

(1990’s +) Kristien worked in several international architectural offices as an architect.