»thing XPS« Bhss-architekten (Leipzig) is one the most successful architectural practices in East-Germany, where they have realized projects as a school for blind children in Chemnitz (2007), an educational center for the Ostdeutsche Sparkassenakademie (2001) and the Campus Center Breitenbrunn (2007). One of their current projects is Solar Valley Mitteldeutschland, one of Europe’s largest centers of the solar industry.
The architects understand the Glashaus as »space between inside and outside, idea and realization, building material and art work«. Thing XPS is the subtitle of the exhibition coined by the bhss principals Heiko Behnisch (1965), Stefan Hermus (1964), Michael Schinko (1962) and Uwe Schumann (1961). »Thing« stands for the »place of negotiation« and for the decision making process at bhss, which is always a result of negotiation. »XPS« is the name of a foam concentrate, a material for model building and information medium, which can be modified into different scales. A loop made of XPS connects the exhibition space to the working methods of bhss and becomes the frame for the presentation of selected projects. www.bhss-architekten.de
OFFICE PORTRAIT: „NYC Young Architects“ Edited by Kristien Ring, 16 Pages, German. pdf download
PROGRAM: Exhibition > 25.05. – 18.07.2008
Opening > 23.05.2008 | 7pm, Introduction by Kristien Ring, DAZ, and BHSS Architects
Curator of the GLASHAUS Series: Kristien Ring, Director, DAZ
Text Editing and PR.: Franziska Eidner
Exhibition concept and installation: BHSS Architects
Exhibition Team DAZ: Steffen Morenz, Andreas Schleuder