The 4 Ha land with 120 olive trees had been abandoned for over 15 years as well as all surrounding vegetation. Olives, without continual pruning, not only stop producing olives, but can perish. Part of the cultural landscape of Southern Tuscany, the decision was made to care for the trees. This meant a many year commitment and process, which is ongoing.

Olives need to be pruned in late winter, February/March. The quick rebounding and production of olives already in the first year (harvest is in November) was reassuring that this care had been needed—and will continue in Bio/ ecological production.

An Initiative for a collective neighbourhood Olive Oil Label was started.

The fields between the olives are used by the neighbour to grow hay. In turn the fields are kept free of woody growth and mowed only a few times a year. Cleaning under the trees is essential for their health.