London: Presentation to British Parliament on „Collective Custom Building“, Portcullis House, 13.05.2014

Veröffentlicht am 26. August 2014 by kristienring

The Future of Collective Custom Build
who’s building what where, and why did these schemes go ahead when many others don’t?
May 13th 2014 18.00 – 20.00
Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, London. SW1A 2LW

Hosted by the University of Sheffield Home Research Group, in connection with the launch of, a University of Sheffield, Ash Sakula and Design for Homes project in collaboration with the RIBA.

18.00 Refreshments and networking opportunity
18.30 Welcome and Introduction – Prof. Fionn Stevenson & Prof. Flora Samuel
18.40 MCCB Film, by The University of Sheffield, Ash Sakula and Design for Homes
18.50 Provision and Affordability – Kristien Ring
19.00 Lancaster Co-housing project – Mark Westcombe
19.10 The Future for Collective Custom Build – Ted Stevens
19.20 Questions and Discussion, chaired by Prof. Fionn Stevenson
20.00 Close
Prof. Fionn Stevenson is Head of the Sheffield School of Architecture. Her research is concerned with sustainable design as it relates to the user, and
sustainable housing as a typology.
Prof. Flora Samuel is an international expert on Le Corbusier. She is a member of the RIBA Research and Innovation Group. Her current research is investigating the Cultural Value of Architecture.
Kristien Ring is an American architect and researcher living in Berlin (ex DAZ Director) who has written a book, ‘Self-made City’, on how the collective
custom build scene in Berlin has generated 300 groups who have built their own homes and effectively become mainstream.
Mark Westcombe is Director of Lancaster Cohousing and Non Exec Director and Trustee of UK Cohousing Network.
Ted Stevens is Chairman of the National Self Build Association.

For further information please visit:

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