MADRID, October 1 – November 17, 2015
– URBAN LIVING Exhibition at CAOM Architecture Center, as part of the International Architecture Festival

SHEFFIELD, 12.09.2015
– Keynote Lecture at the ‘Architecture and Resilience—On a Human Scale’ Conference

FRANKFURT, 10.09.2015
– Keynote Lecture at the pre-opening of the ‘Bauen und Wohnen in Gemeinschaft / Collective Building and Living’ exhibition at the Deutsches Architecture Museum
– Release of the Publication ‘Bauen und Wohnen in Gemeinschaft / Building and Living in Communities’ Annette Becker, Laura Kienbaum, Kristien Ring, Peter Cachola Schmal (Hrsg. / Eds.), Birkhäuser, Basel, 2015—to accompany the opening of the exhibition at the DAM.

LINZ, 06.09.2015
– Keynote Lecture at the ‘Ars Electronica‘ Festival

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